
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why You Should Join a CSA

I've made it my mission to eat well this summer. To cook using local ingredients, visit farmer's markets, explore restaurants that serve local products, and learn more so I can make better choices. Joining a CSA is a no brainer, and is sure to buy me some brownie points with the vegetarian gods.

I can't believe more people don't know about CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture). It's something that I've wanted to do for years, but never had the money or space. A CSA is a group of farmers that get together and sell directly to local consumers. You buy membership at the beginning of the growing season (usually from May-October) and pick up your weekly share. It's almost always organic, and you get whatever they happened to harvest that week. They have them all over the country and deliver to lots of different drop off points.

You do have to pay upfront for the entire season, but it ends up being incredibly cheap per week. If you're on a budget, split a share with friends or family as it is supposedly very generous portions. Betty, Sam and I are splitting a half share, which mean's we pick up every other week but it works out to about $5/person/week. Not bad, considering what you'd pay for local organic produce anywhere else. Obviously you have to love cooking and experimenting because you never know what you'll get. No problem there. I'm sure I'll have plenty of foolish things to write about like, what do I do with 5 pounds of beets? I'm thinking beet soup and maybe some mashed beets. Mmm....

All joking aside I'm so excited. I think we get our first share the week after Memorial Day. We chose Lancaster Farm Fresh and I believe they are still taking applications. You can also special order things like meat and cheese, and they sell their produce at the Fair Food Farmstand at Reading Terminal.

So there will be plenty to come over the summer as Betty, Sam and I eat our way through pounds of produce each week. I think this definitely qualifies as a Betty's Bargain too!

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