So anyways I was thinking about what I have in my fridge and how I could incorporate it with fresh and seasonal produce. I've had soy chorizo from Trader Joes laying around because Sam swears by it, but I hadn't found a suitable use for it. When trying to determine if mustard greens and kale could be used interchangeably I thought of the potatoes I've seen at the market lately and came up with a brilliant idea: soup with potato, kale and chorizo. Well wouldn't you know the Portugese have been making this for years under the name "Caldo Verde" or as Fred dubbed it "Green Caldo." They must have stolen my idea! I found some recipes but of course made up my own as I went. Mine is more of a stew than a soup and would have been fine with more water added. It's my new favorite, easy, one pot meal.
Fresh kale
Soy Chorizo
Canned tomatoes
Olive Oil
Start by sauteeing some chopped onions in olive oil over medium low heat until soft. Add some potatoes, peeled and diced into bite size pieces along with plenty of salt and pepper. Let cook for a few minutes being careful not to let the onion burn.
Add some water - I added enough to cover the potatoes plus about an inch but you can certainly add more - and turn the heat up to about medium high. Add some canned tomatoes (diced, crushed, whatever as long as they're plain), garlic, chorizo, corn and the kale, torn into bite size pieces. Bring to a simmer and cover so the potatoes can cook. TJ's chorizo is plenty seasoned, but add seasoning to taste. I happened to have some bay leaves so I threw those in but I'm never sure if it makes a difference.
Kale? Not a fan but if you say so.... I need a recipe for cat food... any thoughts, Wilma?