Here is the what we had and the bargains I found:

Turkey before it was in the oven. I got that 11 pound turkey for.....$5. I couldn't believe it.
Bargain TIP 1. Thanksgiving is the time to do major shopping because if you spend a certain amount you can usually your turkey for a reduced price or even FREE.
Bargain TIP 2. Have a plan for extra turkey. You can make turkey stock easy from the turkey bones and the not so edible piceces. You will likely have extra vegetables and herbs so you can throw those in the pot. What do you turkey stock? Make soup, stew, gravy or freeze it for another time...X-mas is around the corner!

This is the finished product. As you can see it was delicious and we enjoyed eating it for the next 4 days. I had never cooked a turkey before so I was glad it turned out well.
Cooking TIP 1. Make sure if you buy a frozen turkey that you let it defrost in your refridgerator for at least 72 hours. You do NOT want to cook a turkey that is partially frozen.
Cooking TIP 2. Buy fresh herbs and vegetables to flavor your turkey. Often, you will need a couple of lemons, whole onion, rosemary, thyme, garlic.

Here is the final table spread. I was proud of myself. I couldn't have pulled it off without the help of Barney and some good planning.
Bargain/Cooking TIP 3. Make a list about a week before you plan to start cooking. It should not only have what are you planning to make but the ingredients that go into making it. This may seem self explanitory but you would be surprised what you take for granted. Then I would look in your weekly circular and mark off the products you will use in your dishes. Remember to carry your coupons for extra savings. Lastly, before you go out, check your pantry for items you may have or may need to resotck. Things like oil, flour, sugar, vinegar, chicken stock, butter, eggs, containers are often overlooked because we use them everyday.
I hope Wilma and I have inspried you to cook at your next holiday gathering and save money at the same time!