Hello Fans!
I know that I have been on hiatus for a while. But, Betty is back with loads of stories, insight, tips. Barney surprised me yesterday by coming over and cooking dinner at my place. All I knew was I wanted the yellow corn we acquired from a friend and the delicious scallops we picked up on Sunday. As hard as it was for me to stay out of the kitchen, I kept myself preoccupied in the other room on my computer. Luckily, Barney can multi-task, so I was able to keep myself entertained with witty conversation about malnutrition and unequal access to food while Barney created masterpieces in the kitchen.
In precisely an hour – the time Barney promised he would be done – I walked into my transformed kitchen and dining area. The table was set and dinner was waiting for me to dig in. Barney had done it again! To my surprise, he had stir fried the scallops with the kale I received from the CSA pick-up with onion and garlic (and other things he will NOT divulge) and served this on top of rigatoni and herbs. In another pan, he created a spicy scallop dish on which he wanted to serve on a salad. I was unsure of this scallop salad and lovingly he adjusted the menu for me. To complete the meal, we had yellow corn and a simple salad with romaine lettuce, fresh tomatoes, and red onion and a mysterious creamy dressing that was heavenly.
Dinner was phenomenal! I mixed the spicy and sauté scallops with my pasta, devoured my corn, and savored every bite of my salad. I have to admit that if I had trusted Barney a little more (sad face) I would have enjoyed his scallop salad. However, what he created kept us both silent through the meal. It has always be apparent that Barney can cook; but, I have to say he outdid himself this time. He may have just made himself a more permanent fixture in the blog with his own segment………

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